arielMIS on WP Engine – Features & Security



arielMIS Hosting with WP Engine is a dedicated server limited solely to arielMIS customers. WP Engine believes in the power of open source. They have built their platform on over 30 open source technologies to deliver innovation at a faster pace than those built on closed, proprietary systems. Additionally, they integrate with best-in-breed technology partners like Google, AWS and New Relic, and optimize their technology for WordPress. So, you can focus on building breakout experiences instead of building and managing the systems to power them.


WP Engine automatically upgrades your installs for minor updates and tests major updates thoroughly before recommending them to customers. Threat detection is managed through a proprietary system to dynamically detect and block malicious behavior. In the unlikely event your site is compromised WP Engine will fix your site at no extra cost to you. The WP Engine team conducts periodic code reviews and security audits of all internal environments and processes.

Enterprise Performance / Scale

WP Engine is PHP 7 and HTTP/2 enabled. They support the latest updates which can serve up to 3x more requests per second. Using proprietary EverCache® Technology WP Engine is capable of moving hundreds of millions of hits per day through their system. EverCache lets your site run faster with less strain on resources.


Local Storage is provided for all accounts depending on the hosting account. Additional storage can be added for an additional monthly cost


Create a copy of your site for testing, development or updates at anytime.

CDN (optional)

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a service that can help the static content on your site (images, CSS, Javascript) load much more quickly. A CDN is a collection of servers located all around the world. When a browser loads static content, the request is automatically routed to the server geographically closest to the browser. This helps the content load much more quickly. In addition, because your content is loaded from many servers in separate locations, bursts of traffic are less likely to cause issues, because the burst is spread out over hundreds of servers, rather than just one.

CDN can be enabled on your website at a cost of $10 per month for 100GB of CDN Data

Page Performance

Real-time, page-level performance diagnostics and expert recommendations.

Automated SSL Certificates

Get automated certificate installation and renewals. Choose between our free certificate and paid certificate options.Bring your own certificates from a certificate provider you prefer. For automated certificate installation and renewals, try our Automated SSL Certificates.

Multisite Ready

Convert your install to a WordPress Multisite.

Geotarget Enabled

Use our GeoIP service to dynamically serve content to visitors based on geography.

Content Performance

Access WordPress-optimized Google Analytics data to drive content strategy, directly through your WordPress dashboard.

Application Performance (optional)

Code-level visibility powered by New Relic APM Pro.