Migrate your Organization to Microsoft Office 365

Office 365 has certain features that nearly every organization should take advantage of. For example, we have yet to find a business that won’t save 20–30% over the long term by switching from an on premise email system to Office 365’s cloud-based email.
There also are significant benefits from Office 365’s business applications like Word, Excel and others. Even though these may not be Cloud-based, the system still “phones home” to ensure that updates and licensing are in order.
Then there are other products in Office 365 related to communication, file storage, file sharing and other functions that may or may not be right for you.
After we explore all of this with you and determine which Office 365 features you should incorporate, we’ll handle the transition.
We’ve done dozens of Office 365 migrations. Yes, it’s a challenging and time-consuming project, but no one understands the platform better or will migrate you quicker than the fully trained, experienced technicians at arielMIS.