CloudMail Email Client Configuration

Two options for configuring your CloudMail email client

1. Autodiscover – With SRV records
Autodiscover allows your users to configure new accounts by simply entering their email address and password.  The remaining configuration is handled automatically from there.

2. Manually – Without SRV records
If you do not have a properly configured SRV DNS records for your domain, you will need to use the manual configuration for each account you configure.  This manual configuration includes adding hostnames, ports, and security settings.  Instructions for each method are below.

1. Configure Outlook with CloudMail – Autodiscover

2. Manual Configuration and server settings:

Open your Mail Control Panel.  To do so, navigate to Start > Control Panel > Mail.

Create a new mail profile (or add you CloudMail account to an existing profile) using these settings:

Incoming Server (IMAP/POP3):

POP3 Server:
IMAP Server:

• imap  –  Encryption: SSL (required)  Default secure Port: 993
• pop3  –  Encryption: SSL (required)  Default secure Port: 995

Outgoing Server (SMTP):  –  Encryption: TLS (optional)  Port: 587

Webmail access:

Outlook Configuration Screenshots:

Additional entries under “More Settings“:


The outgoing server requires TLS authentication or can be left at ‘None’.

Incoming server requires SSL.

IMAP:  993
POP:  995

Outgoing server:
Port:  587
Encryption:  TLS or None